Key to symbols
Sky conditions
Cloud cover
- Clear skies
- High-level clouds
- Light cloud cover to partly cloudy
- Partly cloudy to very cloudy
- Cloudy
- Overcast
- Hazy
- Misty
- Fog
Precipitation: rain
- Partly cloudy with showers
- Overcast with showers
- Downpour
- Mid-level clouds with drizzle
- Cloudy with drizzle
- Rain
- Storm
- Downpour with storm
Precipitation: hail or hailstones
- Storm with hailstones
- Downpour with storm and hailstones
Precipitation: snow
- Snow showers
- Snow downpour
- Light snow
- Heavy snow
- Snow downpour with storm
Precipitation: sleet
- Sleet downpour
- Sleet
Maximum-temperature variation compared to the previous day
- Increase
- Decrease
- No change
Minimum-temperature variation compared to the previous day
- Increase
- Decrease
- No change
Temperature variation compared to the previous day
- Increase
- Decrease
- No change
Wind direction
- Levant (easterly)
- Sirocco (southeasterly)
- Ostro (southerly)
- Leveche (southwesterly)
- Ponente (westerly)
- Mistral (northwesterly)
- Tramontane (northerly)
- Gregale (northeasterly)
Wind speed
- Calm
- Light air
- Moderate breeze
- Strong breeze
- Gale force
Sea state
- No waves
- Calm
- Smooth
- Slight
- Moderate
- Rough
- Very rough
- High
- Very high
- Phenomenal
- Swell